Global Accreditation Body for Scrum and Agile Certifications

Maintaining Certification

Earning a SCRUMstudy certification is a significant achievement. It demonstrates your expertise and knowledge of Scrum and Agile. After earning the certification, credential holders should adhere to SCRUMstudy's continuing certification requirements. You may need to participate in continuous learning activities to earn Re-certification Units (RCUs) to maintain your credential(s).

Every certification requires you to earn a minimum number of RCUs every three years.

The re-certification requirements for SCRUMstudy certifications are given below

Certification Minimum number of RCUs required every three years
Scrum Developer Certification (SDC®) 25
Scrum Master Certification (SMC®) 40
SCRUMstudy Agile Master Certified (SAMC) 40
Scrum Product Owner Certification (SPOC®) 40
Scaled Scrum Master Certified (SSMC) 50
Scaled Scrum Product Owner Certified (SSPOC) 50
Expert Scrum Master Certification (ESMC) 60

Some activities which can help you earn RCUs are:

VMEdu® certifications and courses

VMEdu® certifications and courses offered by brands such as SCRUMstudy, SMstudy, 6Sigmastudy, NGstudy, etc, provide RCUs that can be used towards re-certification requirement of earned VMEdu® certifications. Read More

Approved Re-certification courses from VMEdu® A.T.P.s

VMEdu® Authorized Training Partners offer multiple courses that provide RCUs. These courses can be self-paced online learning, instructor-led online classes, or physical instructor-led classroom training.

VMEdu® Premium Subscription

VMEdu® Premium subscription offers 10 RCUs per month. VMEdu® subscription provides you access to 50+ Comprehensive Learning Programs (CLPs) and 250+ other subject matter expert courses.

Important notes about RCUs (Re-certification Units)

  1. RCUs earned can be used for multiple re-certification requirements: RCUs earned from a course or certification can be used for re-certification requirements for multiple certifications earned prior to taking up that certification or course.
    For example, a student with SDC® and SMC® credentials can take SPOC® certification and the RCUs earned from SPOC® certification will be applicable towards maintaining both SDC® and SMC® re-certification requirement.
  2. RCUs earned have a validity of three years: RCUs earned from a course or certification will expire within three years and cannot be used for re-certification requirements.
  3. RCUs earned from VMEdu® A.T.P. courses needs to be approved: VMEdu® A.T.P.s need to approve the RCUs earned by their students. Upon approval, these RCUs will be automatically credited towards re-certification requirements.
  4. SCRUMstudy Certified Trainer (SCT®) can claim RCUs for teaching classes: RCU claims by the SCT® needs to be approved by the respective VMEdu® Authorized Training Partner (V.A.T.P)

Re-certification exam

Students can also re-apply for the exam after the certification expiry date and earn the certification. However, we recommend you to participate in continuous learning activities to earn Re-certification Units (RCUs) to maintain your credential.