SCRUMstudy™ Authorized Training Partners (A.T.P.s) are officially authorized organizations to offer Scrum and Agile trainings. A.T.P.s will enjoy exclusive benefits from SCRUMstudy™. Key benefits are listed below.
SCRUMstudy™'s strong student base and wide acceptance among companies provides you ample opportunity to tap the market potential for Scrum/Agile certifications
SCRUMstudy™ recommends that students should preferably get training from A.T.P.s to successfully pass different SCRUMstudy™ certification exams. List of certification exams.
A.T.P.s will get up to 60% discount on the certification exams (compared with prices available to open students). This motivates students to go through SCRUMstudy-authorized A.T.P.s for their trainings. More
You will be authorized to offer pre-approved RCUs (Re-certification Units) to certified SCRUMstudy™ students who need to learn to maintain their certification status: these could be through online courses or through physical and instructor-led classes.
Access to high quality SCRUMstudy™ education resources (including SBOK® Guide, workbooks, high-quality videos etc.) will enable you to offer classes without having to create extensive training resources of your own.
Trainers associated with A.T.P.s just need to take three SCRUMstudy™ certifications. They can take SCRUMstudy™ certification exams without having to undergo mandatory classroom or instructor led virtual trainings. More
SCRUMstudy™'s popularity on the web means that students can sign up for your courses without you having to invest much in ads and SEO.
SCRUMstudy™ will provide you with an easy-to-use exclusive portal to manage training-related activities and coordination with SCRUMstudy™.
Discounts on SCRUMstudy™ publications like SBOK® Guide (A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge), which is the most definitive guide on Scrum available in the market.
Any RFP from an organization interested in scrum/agile training will be forwarded to A.T.P.s, opening up highly lucrative opportunities. More
Association with SCRUMstudy™ will enable you to offer various popular courses in the field of professional training and certification, without any additional cost.