VMEdu Authorized Training Partners (V.A.T.P.s) are organizations authorized to offer SCRUMstudy™ Scrum and Agile training. Many of these are educational institutions such as colleges and universities.
V.A.T.P. registration process for colleges and universities:Gain an in depth understanding of the benefits of becoming a V.A.T.P. through direct contact with a VMEdu® representative. Contact us here
Complete an online partner application form.
Receive a response to the application within three business days.
Get access to an easy-to-use online portal to manage relationships with students and VMEdu®.
SCRUMstudy conducts free 5-hour virtual instructor-led Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC™) training classes. This session provides students with a firm foundation of the Scrum methodology and is also a highly valuable and globally recognized credential. The free SFC credential can also enhance students’ resumes and boost their employability.
Get access to high-quality training resources such as the SBOK® Guide, mobile apps, case studies, online videos, faculty notes, study guides, and recordings of past training sessions. Faculty can use these resources to teach their own Scrum and Agile classes.
As an additional benefit, SCRUMstudy™ offers six certification exams (valued at USD $2,500) for free to V.A.T.P.s. These can be used by faculty to get certified to conduct classes.
SCRUMstudy provides all the resources required to incorporate the SCRUMstudy certifications into an educational curriculum. Access is provided to a well-defined course structure with comprehensive study resources, such as PowerPoint presentations, case studies, chapter tests, and more. Existing materials can be used as is or customized to teach classroom programs. SCRUMstudy can also help tailor the course material as per the specific requirements and needs of the institution. Educational organizations can also get up to 75% discount off certi¬fication exam prices.
University of LA VERNE